Interview: “One of the biggest issues dropshippers are facing is profitability”
What’s your name?
Ralph Krysler
What’s your store/company’s name?
Axe Commerce
I have been in the e-commerce space for 4 years now. I started doing dropshipping while I was still a student, I was able to generate up to 1 000 000$ and immediately understood my passion for e-commerce.
Sharing Success Stories with Ralph Krysler
Disclaimer: all the success stories published on our blog are the results of written interviews. Even though the editors may make some minor changes to the grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation, the respondents’ writing styles, views, opinions, stores screenshots and personal photos are left unchanged.
The Team
What’s the website?
What’s your email?
Describe your business/service in a few words:
Our app lets you gain in turnover and profitability without losing in conversions and sales.
How do we do that you might ask? We do that through post-purchase upsells. One Click Upsells that are suggested to your customers AFTER they have purchased. That is how our customers are able to make 15-20% more on their revenue without having their customer journey affected. They have stopped giving away FREE revenue.
Describe your e-commerce journey. How did you enter the space?
I have been in the e-commerce space for 4 years now. I started doing dropshipping while I was still a student, I was able to generate up to 1 000 000$ and immediately understood my passion for e-commerce.
I also noticed that most of the apps out there were very basic, and with my background as a programmer, I know that my programming skills and e-commerce skills would be perfectly complementary in helping Shopify Merchants get to the next level in their business.
How your business is helping the e-commerce owners?
We help e-commerce owners gain 15-20% in turnover on their revenue, WITHOUT changing their customer journey and decreasing their conversions.
What is the most significant challenge dropshippers are facing today?
One of the biggest issues dropshippers are facing is profitability. After selling for 100 000$ in products, they would be lucky to have 10 000$ left in profit, it is such a frustrating feeling to have worked so hard on your store, only to find out you much so little money. This is why we strive for profitability with the apps we build at Axe-Commerce. We want to make sure every merchant is thinking about his profitability and making sure to leverage it with Post-Purchase Upsells.
What was the game changer to enter dropshipping or e-commerce business as a service provider? What are your future plans?
We knew that very few apps in the post-purchase space give back the power to their users. So we decided to build a fully-customizable post-purchase upsell app with:
– Customised post-purchase upsell pages
– 20+ post-purchase funnel triggers
– super-detailed analytics
… and more
Our future plans are to add more customizability based on our users’ suggestions, we really want to empower our users and not put them in a box, because we know that they know best when it comes to decisions about their brands, and we know that by giving them the power of decision, they will be able to sky-rocket their profitability.
What’s your best advice for both dropshipping beginners and experienced e-commerce owners?
Always be testing. The day you stop testing is the day you stop growing.
– Force yourself to watch a course and get new ideas if you run out of them.
– Consume content in your niche to understand your customer and learn how to talk to him the right way.